Feb 23, 2021
Bill Gates and Moore's Law, An Addition To Page 162
If when I published my book I had been aware of Bill Gate's 1996 quote ...... "We always overestimate the change that will occur in the...

Feb 22, 2021
The blog is back!
Yes the blog is back after a time of being offline when our intrepid author went on a pilgrimage back to his roots to seek fresh...

Apr 7, 2019
First SOA and Now XaaS
25 years ago I was facing a very uphill struggle championing 3-tier SOA against the predominant 2-tier architecture. How times change!...

Dec 17, 2018
Brogrammers still exist, how depressing
There's an article in the FT about how 'brogrammers' and their ancient sexist culture is forcing women out of programming. It's deeply...

Oct 19, 2018
A Must Watch George Boole Movie
In the 19th century George Boole was way ahead of his time in defining what we now call Boolean Logic but in the 20th century it gave...