The Programmer's Odyssey
A Journey Through The Digital Age
The History of Computing Library
The History of Computing Library covers a wide and varied range of historical computer technology topics.​
How Aristotle paved the way for computer logic (Atlantic monthly article)
In 1843 Ada Lovelace became the first computer programmer (New Yorker article)
Calculating Ada a BBC documentary on Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage
How modern symbolic logic replaced Aristotelian logic
Meet Admiral Grace Hopper, the mother (yes, mother!) of the COBOL programming language
The CIS COBOL portable compiler technology clearly explained by Peter Brown
In 1951 Mary Coombs became the first female commercial programmer
The spreadsheet 'killer app' arrives
How PCs became programming engines in the 1990s
The browser 'killer app' arrives
Linux ushers in the open source revolution
Hardware, Networks, Videos​
The history of computing devices since the stone age
Storage technology from punched cards to the cloud
UK home brew and US PCs make computing personal
Dial up bulletin board systems (BBSs) in pre-Internet days
When Ethernet and Token Ring LANs fought it out
US and UK foundations of the Internet
How 2-tier client/server was finally beaten
Claude Shannon invented digital communications, read all about it
A MUST see documentary about George Boole
Great timeline of storage technology developments (identified by Krista Adams)
USB standards before USB 4.0
Here's a fine biography of Charles Babbage, inventor of the Difference Engine and Analytical Engine (as identified by Lily Casal, one of the young women now involving themselves in STEM)
What If He Is Right? Tom Wolfe's legendary 1965 'new journalism' article about Marshal Mcluhan and the furore he was causing with his predictions about the social and cultural effects of technology
The heyday of UK computing in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s